Happy 30th Anniversary

Created by: gmd
Date: 06/29/2012
Views: 5303

On April 27, 2012, GMD Airline Services proudly celebrated its 30th Anniversary. The celebration was held at the GMD Head Quarters at Base Muñiz. This day was surrounded by joy and laughter when current and former co-workers reunited and shared anecdotes of their experience at GMD

These last 3 decades, GMD has provided to their clients the best services. That’s one of the various reasons why GMD still going strong in such a stormy economy. Our Company would like to kindly give the warmest THANK YOU to our clients, employees and acquaintances for believing in what we do. Because of you, we can humbly say “GMD does best what others try to do better”.

gmds-awarded-employeesPassenger service staffAuto Shop staffRamp staff